About Shopping With Lori
Hello! I’m Lori, a wife and active mother to five children living in the big sky country of Montana. Shopping With Lori was established in 2023 with the intentions to connect you with products for your everyday adventures.
For almost a decade I have sourced and sold clothing on the Poshmark platform. Through that experience, I have gained knowledge of clothing brands, styling, and creating shopping content. Shopping With Lori was created out of a desire to share shoppable content, product guides, and highlight quality brands on my own blog.
I have always been drawn to clothing and fashion and have pursued that industry over the years. From designing and sewing doll clothes as a young girl, to working in high-end retail, to sourcing and selling clothing online, I have a passion for brand research and product knowledge.
There are endless products and companies that I want to showcase and introduce to you. Many of whom have fascinating backgrounds, stories, and are producing great products for everyday living.
On the blog I combine that love, knowledge, and experience with my other love, adventure and the great outdoors. Growing up, summer camp and the years I attended a wilderness Bible college were a very influential part of my life. I had the opportunity to experience so many amazing outdoor adventures. From backpacking, rock climbing, and lead climbing, to snow camping, spelunking, and ice climbing. I was so blessed to experience learning God’s Word and exploring God’s incredible creation in such unique settings.
Shopping with Lori is focused on connecting you to products for your everyday adventures, providing honest reviews of quality products, and inspiring you through learning, shopping, and styling.
Pour a cup of coffee and shop with Lori.
A few of my favorite things
“She makes linen garments and sells them;
Proverbs 31: 24-30
she delivers sashes to the merchant. Strength and dignity are her clothing,
and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom,
and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her
household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her
blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently,
but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”